September 29, 2009

Float on down the river...

Annual Apex Float Trip.

Every Labor Day weekend we head on up to Camp Cherry Mountain with car loads full of teenagers to take on the great Niangua River.

Our 24 hours were crammed full of



and Floating

Get connected with our youth on Facebook. See the Apex Student Ministry message board on this blog at the bottom right of the page.

Savannah's First Wedding

We were invited to some friend's wedding and it was a day event so we thought it would be a good opportunity for us to take our little tyke along on her first wedding adventure.

We had received the perfect dress for an occasion such as this from cousins Raymond and Ashley at a baby shower over a year ago.

A beautiful dress!

Baby's Booty

What is cuter than a clean baby's booty??


It's priceless...

Still Loving my Life

While its been about a month since any post of any kind - I AM ALIVE!

I was doing so well staying active with posts until that pregnancy wall smacked me so hard in the face, that it was all I could do to take care of Savannah and take a shower everyday...almost.

I'm beginning to get over that hump. Beginning is the key word.

I'm still sluggish and only sometimes nausiated. But to my surprise, oh how I missed my blogging! Weird. Coming from someone who about 3 months ago said, "I'll never understand the world of blogging. Don't these people have a diary to write in?"

All that said...