August 4, 2009

Radio Flyer Red

I keep a binder of magazine clippings that I dream about, love, might one day attempt, etc. In one folder was a fun idea that I tore out years ago thinking one day I would have the appropriate front porch to hold such a "flower pot."

Well now I do! A little bit "southern living" a little bit "french country."

So I searched Craig's List for an old used Radio Flyer wagon. And whadya know, I found one on my first search. Used, slightly rusted in one spot, $25...PERFECTION.

I went to pick up my wagon with Savannah (a little nervous about meeting a man at his house - thankfully he was a local police officer so I felt better) and then headed to Lowe's to buy red geraniums. I loaded up on flowers and dirt and excitedly drove home to create my masterpiece.

I drilled about 6 holes in the bed of the wagon so the water would have somewhere to drain, put in the dirt and then the flowers. Add water. Voila.

A Beautiful Front Porch Flower Pot!

I did this at the beginning of the season and I'm pleasantly surprised that my flowers are still alive now in August despite the way I starve them for water. Maybe they like their scarlet metal home.

Savannah loves to pick their petals...

She was sick with a high fever this day and only the flower picking made her happy.

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is a wonderful idea. Perfect for wheeling out into the rain for a drink and them back to the porch to admire. :)