July 12, 2009

Somewhere City

Are these not the most adorable little toys ever?

Its a little city of animals with interchangeable parts. Not only are they fun, but they're also little pieces of art! I found out about them here. They remind me of the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads from when I was little. Are those still around?

Or if you want you can buy them here. (Don't forget to use the coupon code "IFFFR13ND" for 20% off you order.)

I think Savannah's gonna need a set...yes, I'm quite sure.


swalton said...

Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are still around...Elle has Mrs. :) These are super cute though!

emily said...

oohh . . i love those!! i think little man might need those!!

my girls were playing with their potato heads today!!

Heather said...

These are so much cutter than Mr & Mrs Potato Head. I'm gonna have to go check them out!

fig mamma said...

hi! Thanks for the referral! We are sold out :-( But, we should have more soon. Please stop by again!